健康主題皮膚健康乳木果油-Shea Natural, 100%薄荷精油生鮮乳木果油,3.2盎司(90克)髮旺旺
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Our 100% pure unrefined Shea Butter is extracted from the seed of the West African Karite Tree, known as the Tree of Life. This rare, natural butter has been treasured for centuries as it contains essential nutrients to heal, moisturize and protect all types of skin while restoring elasticity and tone. Rich and creamy, our Whipped Shea Butter is crafted with care.
Refreshing and reviving Peppermint essential oil has been treasured for its cooling, pain relieving and purifying benefits.
Shea Natural, 100%薄荷精油生鮮乳木果油,3.2盎司(90克)

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