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如果你還在考慮Cotz, 面部溫和絲滑亮透防曬霜,防曬係數40,1.5盎司(42.5克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Dermatologist Recommended
- The Healthier Sunscreen
- For Lighter Skin Tones
- SPF 40 Broad Spectrum UVA-UVB
Balanced Mineral Complex Helps Prevent Helps Prevent Heat Build-Up in Skin, which can Damage the Dermis.
CoTZ for Face with Balanced Mineral Complex for a sheer matte finish
- Leaves skin silky, soft & smooth
- Non-shiny, non-greasy
- Layers invisible under makeup
- Weightless
- 100% Free of Oils, Chemical Sunscreens, Preservatives, Fragrances, PABA, Gluten, Phthalates
- Will not irritate or sting
- Gentle enough for all skin types
- Contains #1 and #2 rated sun protection ingredient for UVA-UVB rays
- SPF 40 exceeds the level recommended by Skin Cancer experts
- Provides broad spectrum UVA-UVB protection
- Photostable, will not breakdown when exposed to sunlight
CoTZ for Face Balanced Mineral Complex helps prevent heat build-up in the skin, which can damage the dermis. CoTZ helps prevent pre-mature skin aging (lines, wrinkles, sagging, age spots), uneven skin tone and other serious problems.
CoTZ sits invisibly on top of skin and functions like thousands of mirrors to deflect UVA-UVB rays before the rays can touch the skin.
Uses: Helps prevent sunburn. If used as directed with other sun protection measures (see Directions), decreases the risk of skin cancer and early skin aging caused by the sun.
髮旺旺CoTZ is 100% Free of chemical sunsc髮旺旺reen ingredients, here's why:
- 髮旺旺
- Chemical sunscreens absorb UVA-UVB rays into the skin and transform the rays into heat, which can damage the dermis.
Cotz, 面部溫和絲滑亮透防曬霜,防曬係數40,1.5盎司(42.5克)


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